WDRB: “President Joe Biden toured two Kentucky towns Wednesday that were devastated by recent tornadoes, pledging federal aid for the recovery ahead and committing more U.S. government funds for short-term cleanup costs.
Standing in front of shattered homes in Dawson Springs in western Kentucky, Biden said he had authorized the federal government to cover 100% of the state’s emergency response spending for the first 30 days.
“I promise you, you’re going to heal, we’re going to recover, we’re going to rebuild,” Biden told Kentucky residents. “You’re going to be stronger than you were before, you’re going to build back better than it was.”
Biden landed Wednesday morning at Fort Campbell on Air Force One and met with Gov. Andy Beshear, First Lady Britainy Beshear and former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, Andy Beshear’s father, before heading to Mayfield and Dawson Springs to survey damage there.”