The AR Times: “My friends and I have been reimaging education and solving all of the world’s problems for decades. No, really. In 1999, my husband LeRon and I invited about three dozen or so people from our various circles to break bread in our “new-to-us” home as a housewarming gift to ourselves. We continued that tradition every other month up until COVID-19 shut the world down in 2020. This bimonthly event was called Mind Blazn. In essence, this quasi-potluck, game night, B.Y.O.B., structured group discussion was a think tank with some of the most brilliant, creative, eclectic minds and unusual suspects in the city of Little Rock.
Even though we have not had any friends over in about 15 months, our den has still been a think tank (consisting of my immediate family of four) where the reimagining of education and solving the world’s problems are still front and center. Despite no one outside of my residence asking me (as an educator, parent or taxpayer) what I would do with the billions of dollars in federal funding coming down the pike to improve equity and education, listed below are five of the things I’d prioritize.”