Yahoo! News: “Rep. Destin Hall, a 37-year-old Republican from Caldwell County, is not yet North Carolina House speaker, but he has already stepped into one of the position’s most important election-year roles: fundraising.
And he’s pulling in big donations.
Hall, who has gained the support of top leaders in the House Republican Caucus to replace Speaker Tim Moore in 2025, has raised over $1.5 million this election, according to campaign finance reports. And the bulk of that money is going to his fellow House members.
Jordan Shaw, an adviser to Hall, told The News & Observer that Hall transferred $1 million to the House Republican caucus campaign committee.
That’s the largest single contribution to the caucus in history, according to House GOP Caucus Director Stephen Wiley….
After Moore announced he was running for Congress — making his record-breaking fifth term as speaker his last — leaders of the caucus quickly united behind Hall to be his successor.”